Sunday, March 22, 2009

Late night edition

so its almost the end of 22 march 2009

Inspired by a few blogs and the chats that I finished just now with two good friends made me write this blog.

From the blogs I read and from the chats I had, the ONE thing that comes to mind is that, people have different opinion on virtually anything and everything, and moreover this truth is the very fuel that gives the word "opinion" its meaning with all its glory and manifestations.

If you are a computer programmer, I must tell you my observation that EVERY problem or question in this world is RECURSIVE

Yes, believe me, they are..

Same applies to the word "Opinion". I have spread all these words in front of you to make sense of my opinion on the word "Opinion". In no way I can guarantee that at least a single person on this planet would agree with me and it is the way things should be.

Talking with a friend a few days ago I used the concepts of macro and micro space, macro and micro time to prove my point.
That was the first time that I used those ideas to explain something. Let me tell you what we were talking about - it was all about a Universal rule set for right and wrong, moral and immoral and such complimenting pairs.

from sub atomic particles to gigantic galaxies, everything in this universe follows an interesting pattern.
You can split anything out here, split further, further .. ... and further..

there's no end to micro world.. u can go deeper and deeper into micro space infinitly

same holds true with macro space. we can go broader and broader into macro space infinitly.

same with time .. split a micro second into two, again into two.. go on infinitly
think about 2 , 4 , 8 ... infinite seconds hours or whatever...

now Plot a graph with time on x axis and space on y axis.
And There is no limit for the subdivisions on both axis.

So where would you mark yourself in the graph ?
It would be a small rectangle somewhere.

What about the entire human civilization? a bigger rectangle.

But then there is INFINITLY vast and free area on the graph left off !!!

Think for a while and read on.. I am heading for more crazy things now.

<-Your time to think->
<-Your time to think->
<-Your time to think->
<-Your time to think->
<-Your time to think->
<-Your time to think->
<-Your time to think->

Now, I claim that the entire universe that we talk about is just an
electron1 spinning around a nucleus1 of an atom1 which is part of a molecule1 , which is part of an enzyme in the digestive track of an animal1 named roombi living in a place called ilblinga in the great town of lutapia

(words ending with 1 stand for this things in the next MACRO level of space in my idea)

I can jump around and be proud that no physicist out there can prove my claim to be wrong!!!

It's true, nobody can prove it wrong, until and unless his logical thinking can go out of this

So I WON !!! he he hoooooooooo

The writer was deeply inspired by the wonderful analogy that
Richard Feynman gave to explain universe in terms of a chess game.

His own video: